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Climate Disinformation Database - DeSmogIn DeSmog s Climate Disinformation Database, you can browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action
Other NIPCC Publications Climate Change Reconsidered(1) The central issue, the cause of global warming: Is it natural or is it manmade? We update the ongoing controversy. [This issue is of crucial importance for both climate science and for climate policy.]
The science and art of complex systems | MIT News | Massachusetts InstMIT senior and physics major Gosha Geogdzhayev works to develop “emulator” models that can learn from large-scale global climate models to answer more specialized questions about the impacts of climate change.
Academic References to Climate Change Reconsidered Climate Change ReThese citations were located using Google Scholar first in December 2011 and most recently in October 2020. Most references are to peer-reviewed journals or books.
Open Climate Archives - Creative CommonsHelp us keep the internet free and open.
The rise of DawnThe UK s fastest AI supercomputer is now being deployed for use by scientists within Cambridge and across the UK to support ambitious goals in clean energy, personalised medicine and climate.
Global solutions to climate change (#EEF2019Lisbon overview) - IncubatMy first climate and sustainability conference and I d like to share some highlights, half-way through.
Home - The Climate WebExplore What We Collectively Know About the Causes of, the Risks From, and the Solutions to Global Heating (Climate Change)
Translations Climate Change ReconsideredIndependent scholars and organizations around the world have translated volumes in the Climate Change Reconsidered into several languages. Those we are aware of are listed below with links when possible.
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures | Council on ForeignInternational efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.
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